Our Story
Ellevens is the brainchild of Saada Domloge who possess the love and passion for Sunglasses & Jewelry. Ellevens derived from 11:11 which symbolizes locking a new spiritual journey or adventure, and that you are about to stand out as an individual and shine.

Saadas’s Story... A 33-year-old Syrian born and raised in Abu Dhabi & currently living in Dubai. Saada’s passion for Sunglasses started at a much younger age when she used to dress up from head to toe in her mother’s jewels & accessorizes her face with sunglasses. Saada’s creativity allowed her to start by designing her own style of sunglasses. After showcasing the samples to her Family & friends in which they showed so much admiration of the pieces, she decided to transform her passion into a business and fill a niche in the market. If that’s not enough, not only does she accessorize her face with sunglasses but also her body with jewelry as she is the Co- Founder of Fabula jewels.